I received one of those 'shared emails' recently and decided it was too interesting not to share and just 'delete'. I'm rather a fan of WD-40 - I know it's good for squeaking doors but.. I had no idea it would perform such miracles as loosening arthritic joints (I am yet to try it although the left knee could do with a spray (!) while I am writing this!) The main ingredient is fish oil - perhaps we could squirt it down our throats (only joking!) instead of swallowing a mountain of fish oil tablets. I was also surprised that there is actually a website for it - here.
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WD-40 - just so you know what I am talking about! |
Firstly what is WD-40 - other than having a funny name, and using fish oil?! Well it means Water Displacement Number 40 (silly old you not knowing that!) The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts. It was created in 1953 by 3 technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'water displacement' compound (whatever that means!) They were successful with the fourtieth formulation (if at first you don't succeed then try, try again!) - hence WD-40. The Convair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts. Ken East one of the founders (I hope they made loads of money!) says there is nothing in WD-40 that will hurt you.
So here are just a few uses - the website states there are over 2000! (I haven't test run ... but this will get you thinking!)
1. Spray on a spotty water-marked shower screens (plastic or glass!)
2. Protects silver from tarnishing
2. Protects silver from tarnishing
3. Removes road tar
and grime from cars
4. Removes spray paint which has vandalised the duco of a car
4. Removes spray paint which has vandalised the duco of a car
5. Cleans and lubricates guitar 20 strings
6. Gives floors that
'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery
7. Keeps flies off
cows (just what I need!)
8. Restores and cleans
9. Removes lipstick stains (useful for collars!)
10. Loosens stubborn zips (no comment!)
11. Untangles jewellery
12. Removes stains from
stainless steel sinks and polishes up cook tops (no excuse now)
13. Removes dirt and
grime from the barbecue grill
14. Keeps
ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.
15. Removes tomato
stains from clothing
16. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors
17. Keeps scissors
working smoothly
18. Removes black
scuff marks from the kitchen floor! Just remember to open windows if you have a lot of marks (too much hooten annie square dancing in your house!)
19. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors (the only thing I have ever used if for!)
19. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors (the only thing I have ever used if for!)
20. Remove dead insects or they will eat away the finish on your car
21. Remove crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean cloth
22. Lubricates sticking window tracks
and makes them easier to open
23. Restores and cleans
leather car dashboards
24. Restores and
cleans roof racks on vehicles
25. Lubricates and
stops squeaks in electric fans.
26. Lubricates wheel
sprockets (?!) on bicycles
27. Lubricates fan
belts and keeps them running smoothly
28. Keeps rust from
forming on saws, saw blades and other tools.
29. Removes splattered
grease on stove
30. Keeps bathroom
mirror from fogging
31. Lubricates
prosthetic limbs (thank goodness I haven't needed to - yet)
32. Keeps pigeons off
the balcony (they hate the smell) - I wonder if it works for possums?
33. Removes all traces
of duct tape
34. Spray it
on arms, hands and knees to relieve arthritis pain
35. WD-40 attracts
fish so why not spray a little on live bait or lures
36. Use it for gnat
bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch
37. Spray garden posts around the sides to stop slugs/snails eating the plants
38. Removes chewing gum from everything
38. Removes chewing gum from everything
Sometimes 'mistake' inventions turn out to be amazing. Rather like the 3M Post-it Notes (discovered in 1968 because Dr Spencer Silver attempted to develop a super-strong adhesive but 'accidentally' created a low-tack reusable pressure-sensitive adhesive!) Stories like Mistake Out (Tippex) (invented by Bette Nesmith Graham in 1956 to cover her mistakes on the typewriter. She sold the company to Gillette in 1979 for US$47.5 million - woo hoo) What a success!
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